Learning the baseball business in the Caribbean
After Beloit, Economics alum Thomas Kosakowski’23 got the opportunity of a lifetime: studying baseball for his MBA in the Dominican Republic.
He always had a love and passion for sports, especially baseball. He found and was accepted to San Diego State University’s Sports Management MBA program, which fit exactly what he wanted to do in the future.
The majority of the year-long program included a trip to the Dominican Republic. While there, Tom and his cohort learned about the business of baseball, visited major league academies, learned about local culture, and helped with community service projects.
The day-to-day learning in the Dominican Republic consisted of different trips and interacting with many different groups of people. “Most mornings, we would interact with the local community at either a school or a youth baseball organization,” he says. “In the afternoons, we’d tour an MLB academy.”
Tom described how these were some of his favorite memories of the long trip. He said talking with all the members of the community in different parts of the country, especially the younger baseball players who were so eager to talk to them, was a great experience. He even recalled a moment where he and his fellow classmates were swarmed by kids looking for autographs after returning from lunch.
His other favorite memory was the community service project they were able to complete. He addressed how a big problem facing the country is access to clean drinking water. “[As a class,] we were able to work with a company called Techno to provide water filtration systems for four houses in La Piña,” he says.
Just having graduated and completing his masters degree only a few weeks ago, Tom paid thanks to the skills he learned at Beloit that helped him succeed and thrive through this experience.
“While at Beloit, I learned and improved skills that were essential for working as a team,” he said. “Whether it was my time on the baseball team, or the small class sizes and collaborative learning, I was able to excel while working with my colleagues at San Diego State.”